RIAT 2024: Premio “Sir Douglas Bader Trophy 2024” al reparto sperimentale di volo

Anche quest’anno l’Aeronautica Militare ha partecipato alla manifestazione aerea “Royal International Air Tattoo 2024” (RIAT), organizzata dal 19 al 21 luglio presso la Royal Air Force Base di Fairford in Inghilterra. L’Arma Azzurra è ...
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Distributing Security Responsibilities (Responsibly)

Outlining the wider organization's proactive role in fortifying the security program allows the security team to focus on the most pressing issues that only they can solve. Source: htdarkreading.com ...
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Could Intel Have Fixed Spectre & Meltdown Bugs Earlier?

Intel works closely with academic researchers on hardware flaws and coordinates efforts with other vendors to roll out fixes for emerging vulnerabilities. That wasn't always the case. Source: htdarkreading.com ...
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